Dorian Soergel

Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon - Terre Planètes Environnment
Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard
2, rue Raphaël Dubois
69622 Villeurbanne Cedex

dorian.soergel at
pronouns: he/him

I am a PostDoc at the LGL-TPE in Lyon, France. I'm working mainly with Thomas Bodin . My current research is about adapting bayesian inversion to big datasets. I am also interested in noise interferometry and more generally processing large geophysical datasets.
My CV can be found here.

Publications, preprints, and work in preparation

  1. Bayesian analysis of azimuthal anisotropy in the Alpine lithosphere from beamforming of ambient noise cross-correlations.
  2. Geophysical Journal International, 2022, with Helle Pedersen, Thomas Bodin, Anne Paul, Laurent Stehly and the AlpArray Working Group.
  3. Coda-Q in the 2.5–20 s period band from seismic noise: application to the greater Alpine area.
  4. Geophysical Journal International, 2020, with Helle Pedersen, Anne Paul, Laurent Stehly and the AlpArray Working Group.
  5. Extension des méthodes d'imagerie par corrélation de bruit sismique : atténuation et anisotropie sous AlpArray.
  6. PhD Thesis under the supervision of Helle Pedersen at the University Grenoble Alpes.

Recent & upcoming talks

  • Dec. 2022: American Geosciences Union, Chicago, USA
  • May 2020: European Geosciences Union 2020: Talk on 'Imaging azimuthal anisotropy in the alpine crust using noise cross-correlations', online
  • March 2020: AlpArray and 4DMB SPP meeting, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
  • May 2019: European Geosciences Union, Poster on 'Imaging coda-Q in the 2-10s period band using seismic noise', Vienna, Austria

June 2022